Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > How to Debugg Kentico Site in VS View modes: 
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schebiyyam-allianceglobalservices - 5/5/2012 5:20:32 AM
How to Debugg Kentico Site in VS
Can any one let me know how to debugg Kentico sites in Visual Studio?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/5/2012 10:39:54 AM
RE:How to Debugg Kentico Site in VS

I do not see how is this related to Kentico CMS - Kentico is standard web project/application so you can debug it in VS as any other projects.

Open the solution file in VS and hit F5 to start debugging (and you can also place breakpoints to the file you want to debug).

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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CC - 5/5/2012 6:36:47 PM
RE:How to Debugg Kentico Site in VS
If your web site is running under IIS instead of using the VS application server, you can attach to the process: Debug --> Attach to process --> w3wp.exe. You may need to be running VS as administrator to do this.