Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Do Hotfixes get applied to cloned webparts? View modes: 
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dan-moov2 - 5/21/2012 4:55:17 AM
Do Hotfixes get applied to cloned webparts?
If I clone a webpart in order to create some custom functionality, and then a hotfix is released that affects the original webpart. Will my cloned version inherit that hotfix?

I'd assume not and if so what is the advised practice for this?

Many Thanks,

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kentico_michal - 5/21/2012 6:04:46 AM
RE:Do Hotfixes get applied to cloned webparts?

Custom web parts, even if they have been created by cloning a default web part, are not fixed when you apply a hotfix. So, if there are any changes to the original web part, you will need to apply them manually also to the custom web part.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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dan-moov2 - 5/21/2012 7:11:31 AM
RE:Do Hotfixes get applied to cloned webparts?
Could you then confirm, we're not able to extend webparts by any means other than by duplicating (cloning) them and customising from there?

There is no extension model whereby hotfixes would be applied to the base webpart and inherited in our extensions?

Many thanks,

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 5/21/2012 8:21:19 AM
RE:Do Hotfixes get applied to cloned webparts?

unfortunately, there is not such a model and I am not sure how this could work.

If you customize the code of web part, it is possible that in your custom code you work with code which will be fixed in the the future. We cannot predict the content of your custom code. For example in case you use one of our methods and some new parameter is added by hotfix, we cannot fixed it in your custom code.

Then it is better to have two versions of web parts in which you can compare the code easily. Moreover, the code is not usually changed in the web parts. The API which is used by web parts and full source code is usually changed by hotifx.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova