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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Re: Cookie Law Support in Kentico CMS 6 View modes: 
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Dalgo - 5/24/2012 6:05:46 AM
Re: Cookie Law Support in Kentico CMS 6
I'm currently in the middle of implementing the web part(s) provided in Cookie Helper v7 (and 6.0.32) via Cookie Law Support in Kentico CMS 6 (see here).

It suggests adding:
<add name="CMSDefaultCookieLevel" value="None" />
... to the Web.config file, but can someone tell me where in the Web.config file it should be, please?

Thank you in advance for your help!

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kentico_michal - 5/24/2012 6:08:32 AM
RE:Re: Cookie Law Support in Kentico CMS 6

You need to add the key to the appSettingssection.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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Dlglsh - 5/24/2012 6:11:28 AM
RE:Re: Cookie Law Support in Kentico CMS 6
Thank you for the quick reply!

So should it be 'key' and not 'name' then?

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Dlglsh - 5/24/2012 6:16:42 AM
RE:Re: Cookie Law Support in Kentico CMS 6

Sorry, another query...

I've added <add key="CMSDefaultCookieLevel" value="None" /> to the Web.config file and am using the Simple cookie law consent web part, but it is still creating a cookie called CMSCookieLevel with a value of -100. How do I stop this cookie being created?


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Dlglsh - 5/25/2012 2:28:51 AM
RE:Re: Cookie Law Support in Kentico CMS 6

I've tried restarting the application (which happens when you change the web.config file anyway), and it is still creating the CMSCookieLevel cookie. Creating a cookie before the user accepts cookies seems to be defeating the object of the exercise?

Is creating 'System' cookies (ASP.NET_SessionId and CMSCookieLevel) unavoidable?



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martinh - 5/29/2012 2:28:24 AM
RE:Re: Cookie Law Support in Kentico CMS 6
Hi, let me summarize that. To disable all Kentico CMS cookies, including the CookieLevel one, you need to ensure following:

1) Add appSettings key

<add key="CMSDefaultCookieLevel" value="None" />

To disable all cookies system-wide

2) Configure the cookie consent web part to use the default cookie level "(use system settings)" to avoid overriding that system value

The last remaining cookie there would be the session cookie to which I am not not sure how the law applies. We didn't get any feedback on it yet. If anyone knows, let us know. Also, there is a problem that we are not sure how to properly get rid of that one so I guess it may be one of those "platform required" cookies that must be there.

There are also two known issues with the original implementation. They are:

1) Output cache is not stored separately based on the cookie level

2) In some special cases, some cookies may be initialized upon the first request to the web site even when they are above the allowed level. We identified shopping cart coookie and current contact cookie so far.

Both will be fixed in the upcoming hotfix 6.0.34

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Dlglsh - 5/29/2012 2:43:29 AM
RE:Re: Cookie Law Support in Kentico CMS 6
That's great, thank you for clarifying! I've just implemented point 2 and now it's working as expected. Thanks for your help.