Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > blog setup View modes: 
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ryan.cheung-gov.bc - 6/11/2012 12:09:58 PM
blog setup

I've a custom site that I've setup that I would like to insert a blog into. There doesn't appear to be a built in web part for blog articles so I inserted a basic repeater and added the built in cms.blogpost transformations.

One of the required fields is the datasource. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to use one of the built in data sources or if I need to create my own? If I do need to create my own, can you go over the steps needed to do so? Thanks.

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Certified Developer 8
Jiveabillion - 6/11/2012 1:37:23 PM
RE:blog setup
Instead of using the "Basic Repeater", use the "Repeater" web part. The "Repeater" web part will allow you to use a path expression to select the blog post documents under your specified path. Those documents will essentially be your datasource.

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ryan.cheung-gov.bc - 6/11/2012 1:47:16 PM
RE:blog setup
That worked for me - thanks!