Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Customizable Image Galleries View modes: 
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ryan-norex - 6/13/2012 8:40:30 AM
Customizable Image Galleries
Hello everyone,

This is my first Kentico project and so far everything is going great. But, Kentico seems to be lacking something out of the box that I require, or maybe I just missed it.

What I want is to allow the page editors to be able to create galleries. So they could create a gallery of cat pictures, and one of dog pictures. Then, I want to allow them to insert a widget into the WYSIWYG editor in the page, and select a gallery to display. The "Attachment image gallery" provides the basic front-end functionality I require, but having it only show images attached to the given document isn't what I want. I want a place where it can be managed separately from a page document, and so the same galleries can be put on multiple pages if required.

Has anyone else run into this issues before and have any suggestions?


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kentico_michal - 6/15/2012 3:06:34 AM
RE:Customizable Image Galleries

To allow site members to create documents without giving them access to the CMS Desk, you might try to use the User contribution module: User contributions overview.

You can set it up so that each user can create own documents (e.g. cms.file) in a different folder (image gallery).

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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ryan-norex - 6/15/2012 7:18:50 AM
RE:Customizable Image Galleries
Thanks for the reply,

But what I want to do has nothing to do with site users not having access to the CMS Desk. I basically need a way to create photo galleries, that have no associatation to pages.

Then, the CMS Desk editor should be able to embed those photo galleries in pages by putting a widget, or something similar, into a WYSIWYG editor. I could add a Gallery Document Type, then allow them to put images under it. The only issue will be allowing them to embed the galleries in any page.

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kentico_michal - 6/25/2012 6:15:14 AM
RE:Customizable Image Galleries

Image gallery stores images as documents (Image gallery overview), so it is not possible to create photo galleries, that have no associatation to pages. As you mentioned the Image gallery document type could be a way to go. To display images only from a particular section, you can use the Path property of image gallery related web parts in which you need to specify the section where the images are stored.

Best regards,
Michal Legen