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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Creating Competition Page - Is this the best method? View modes: 
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stradle - 7/26/2012 5:46:35 AM
Creating Competition Page - Is this the best method?
I am in the process of creating a competition page, and wanted to make sure I was creating this in the best way.

We will be running multiple competitions at once
At the moment it will be limited to a single text based question and 3 multiple choice answers.
As an initial step, I am going to only be capturing email address's and the answer, but further down the line users will have to be registered to enter.

My process for creating this is to :

Create a 'competition' document type with all fields I require.
Create a competition page template which inherits that doc type.
I have added all my markup for the design and most of the page fields in to the transformation.

User image
.. This is just static HTML at the moment.

User image
...The competition doc type

Its the next parts that I am struggling slightly.

I need to create the form, but not sure what the best method is to do this? I was thinking as a web part, but cannot really work out how to allow the fields to be changed for the question, without creating a duplicate template for each competition?

The next thing is how I would actually capture the information, on the submit button of my web part, I was going to not only use the code which registers a newsletter subscriber, but also the API to post the competition answer in to a custom table for competition entries that I would create.

Before I delve too deep in to this one, I would appreciate some information on whether this is a good method? I am quite new to Kentico, but have experience in other CMS systems, so just wanting to make sure I am not missing any key functionality on offer.


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stradle - 7/26/2012 6:49:19 AM
RE:Creating Competition Page - Is this the best method?

User image

*this was meant to be the first image*

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 7/28/2012 4:12:40 AM
RE:Creating Competition Page - Is this the best method?

The Forms module is better for this purpose: Forms module overview. Can you consider it? It is better than document types for this scenario.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova