Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Redirect Extensionless URL's to .aspx View modes: 
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scott_hancock-urmc.rochester - 8/6/2012 3:04:28 PM
Redirect Extensionless URL's to .aspx

We are not using extensionless url's. All of our pages end in .aspx. So to access the page www.mysite.com/mypage/ the users have to type www.mysite.com/mypage.aspx. We've gotten around this by creating aliases. So for the above page we create the alias /mypage.

This is tedious for my editors so I'm want to know if there is a way to have the system automatically redirect /mypage and /mypage/ to mypage.aspx.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/7/2012 12:43:14 AM
RE:Redirect Extensionless URL's to .aspx

You need to allow the extension less URLs at first and configure the CMS for it. In the Friendly URL extension you will set the value like: .aspx;;

So, the aspx extension is still used but also the extension less URLs are allowed.
Then, you need to set the "Redirect document aliases to main URL" to true and create the document alias for your document without the extension.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus