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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Can you set the Smart Search Filter checkboxes to query OR? View modes: 
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bryson.justus-chickasaw - 7/31/2012 4:21:56 PM
Can you set the Smart Search Filter checkboxes to query OR?
I am trying to set up the Smart Search Filter to return results of all the selected checkboxes. The Smart Search Filter seems to use only AND when combining the values. I have not been able to find a way to make it use OR to combine them.

Filter mode:


When I am on the page I want to be able to check both boxes and return all pages that meet the Search dialog word and have the value of either of the Sections selected in the Checkbox.

The way this is working right now is if I check both boxes it returns no results because the Smart Search Filter is looking for the SectionValue to contain both 1 and 2.

So my goal is to exclude pages from the results if their SectionValue is unchecked. Other wise return a them as a result.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/2/2012 5:21:44 AM
RE:Can you set the Smart Search Filter checkboxes to query OR?

You can set up the filter like:

Filter clause: None

and then Values:

It will work like OR. The pluses mean AND.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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bryson.justus-chickasaw - 8/2/2012 8:43:32 AM
RE:Can you set the Smart Search Filter checkboxes to query OR?
I have tried removing the + and it returns all results matching the smart search dialog word. If I check or uncheck the boxes I still get all results.

Does this mean that my first value needs to have the +?

So I would have:

smart search dialog + filter value 1 OR filter value 2

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bryson.justus-chickasaw - 8/2/2012 1:29:45 PM
RE:Can you set the Smart Search Filter checkboxes to query OR?
I got this to work by:

Filter clause: Must

and then Values:

Thanks for the help