Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Webpart inside StaticHTML? View modes: 
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16vMonkey - 8/10/2012 6:15:40 AM
Webpart inside StaticHTML?
ok with the help here on these forums i'm gradually getting to grips!

I have another problem I cant seem to get my head around...

Is it possible to insert a SearchBox webpart inside a StaticHTML webpart?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 8/10/2012 7:29:28 AM
RE:Webpart inside StaticHTML?

You can easily use two Static HTML web parts and place the Search box web part between them or you can just place the Search box web part on a page and fill its Content before and after properties with any HTML code you want.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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16vMonkey - 8/10/2012 8:07:09 AM
RE:Webpart inside StaticHTML?
ah y thats a good idea :)

Worked fine, thx!

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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
Jiveabillion - 8/10/2012 1:13:35 PM
RE:Webpart inside StaticHTML?
If you ever want to do this in the future where the solution isn't as simple as it was this time, you can use inline controls. They are pretty cool.

Here is a video on how to do it:

And the documentation: