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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Is there an API to return a dataset of tree nodes that user has permissions to View modes: 
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Certified Developer v6
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hoppe - 7/25/2012 3:49:22 PM
Is there an API to return a dataset of tree nodes that user has permissions to
I have the following code:
var tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
using (DataSet nodes = tree.SelectNodes(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName,
String.Empty, String.Empty, true, String.Empty, where, "[DocumentModifiedWhen] DESC", -1, true, 20, "DocumentName, NodeAliasPath, DocumentCulture, ClassName, NodeID"))

This seems to return nodes regardless of the permissions set on them. I.e., I have a user who does not have read permission on a node, the node is still returned by this function call, despite being initialized in the context of the user.

Is there an API call to return a dataset of nodes that the user has read permission(s) to?

Or, do I then need to filter the results using TreeSecurityProvider.FilterDataSetByPermissions(documents,
NodePermissionsEnum.ModifyPermissions, user);?

Joe Hoppe

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 8/8/2012 9:32:30 AM
RE:Is there an API to return a dataset of tree nodes that user has permissions to

It seems that noone else wants to answer, so I'll try:

Yes, you will then need to filter the results by the TreeSecurityProvider.FilterDataSetByPermissions, just for Read permissions mentioned in your question, the permission enum would be different than Modify :)

This separation is present to allow selecting the documents without permissions, as it's quite resources-consuming filter task. In practice, it is used on a background of the web part security setting "Check permissions"...

Anyway, our developers are already discussing possible revisions and improvements to add the permissions check switch to the SelectNodes (-Documents) methods directly to make the things easier.

Should you need any additional details, please feel free to ask.


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Certified Developer 8
Jiveabillion - 8/9/2012 2:35:58 PM
RE:Is there an API to return a dataset of tree nodes that user has permissions to
I was wondering why Kentico doesn't filter by permissions in the database. It seems as though it already manipulates queries quite a bit when it queries the document tree, why not pass in the UserID and manipulate the query to filter out nodes that the user does not have permission to read?

I noticed that if you specify to check permissions when you are select a Top N of tree nodes, it retrieves ALL of the data for the query and then filters for permissions and then returns the TOP N results from that. While that definitely solves the problem where you may select the top 3 nodes from a table with a thousand nodes and it could return nothing because, out of that thousand nodes , the user does not have read permissions on the top 3. It does return every row from the query AND has to run a process on each datarow retrieved. If you were to simply modify the queries to filter out the rows at the database level, it should work more efficiently.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 8/23/2012 5:59:26 AM
RE:Is there an API to return a dataset of tree nodes that user has permissions to

You have a good point, it makes sense.
There are some improvements planned in this matter for the future versions, I will forward your feedback to the developers and check if there's anything going on and optionally let you know.
Thanks again.

Kind regards,