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Version 6.x > Portal EngineSEO friendly names of CMS.Files View modes: 
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peter-nasthy - 8/8/2012 4:46:09 PM
SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
Hi all,

I've tried to find the soltuion in forums, but I didn't find what I'm looking for. Maybe my mistake.

I need to get in repeater SEO friendly full names of CMS.Files stored in Content Tree.

E.g. there is stored PriceList.pdf stored in content tree under path website/services/document/pricelist.pdf.

I've tried to use several functions such as GetFileUrl, GetDocument etc., etc. and I've always got URL containing /getattachments or URLs ending by .ASPX such as picture.png.aspx

Is there a way how to get Direct path to CMS.Files in transformation?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/9/2012 2:46:08 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files

You need to set the URL extension for given file document on the Properties tab in URLs section. Then you should use the GetDocumentURL function.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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jerry-salem - 8/9/2012 4:37:06 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
Is there a way how to do it for hundreds documents located across the whole site?

On other hands...how can set it Content Editors that typically don't have an access to Properties? Even more, they don't care about any Custem URL extensions, they just want to upload a file and it's enough...

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/10/2012 2:17:25 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files

What are the URLs and SEO settings for your site?

By default - the default settings, when you create a CMS.File document, the file extension is pre-filled automatically and this extension is also used in the URL.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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jerry-salem - 8/10/2012 3:33:31 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
We have default settings. Maybe we are doing something wrong, but...
1) We upload CMS.File e.g. Our-logo.png
2) On tab Form we see Our-logo.png in File field
3) On tab Properties -> General we see Our-logo.aspx

When we use Our-logo.aspx we get the picture. When we use Our-logo.png we get HTTP 404 error.

What's wrong?

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Jiveabillion - 8/10/2012 5:04:58 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
You need to configure extensionless urls and make it so your web application will process all requests with the httpmodules


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Jiveabillion - 8/10/2012 3:56:02 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
Just so you know, Google still indexes the images with .aspx at the end just fine. I have sites that get tons of traffic from google's image search and all of the images use the default .aspx extension.

If you want, you can turn on "redirect files to disk" in your site settings and it will always resolve to the actual file if you are storing your files in the filesystem.

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jerry-salem - 8/10/2012 4:40:58 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
Thanks for the info. We will try it!

Is there a way how to remove /getattachment from URLs as is written in the initial post?

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Jiveabillion - 8/10/2012 5:06:10 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
The /getattachment is necessary because that's the path to the file handler.

Trust me though, this really isn't worth worrying about. I was worried too initially, but it really doesn't hurt SEO.

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peter-nasthy - 8/10/2012 5:34:02 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
Unfortunately, I can't agree.

Regarding several Google tools we found that /getattachment files are not indexed properly ....

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Jiveabillion - 8/10/2012 5:50:19 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
What do you mean by "properly". How are you expecting them to be indexed?

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Jiveabillion - 8/10/2012 6:14:49 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
I can go to google image search and type in site:mysitedomain.com and click search and it returns thousands of results of images with the .aspx extension. If that isn't indexing them, then what do you mean?

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Patrick - 8/21/2012 7:23:09 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files

we have a much severe problem with the "getattachent" issue:

We have implemented links to our PDFs by using the attachment feature. These links are working in the browser as they should (eg http://www.vtx.ch/getattachment/General-Terms/VTX-Telecom-General-Terms-and-Conditions.pdf)

But Google Webmaster Tools reports 404 errors for all our PDFs. Doing a link check with Kentico's built in link checker and also with an external tool ("Xenu") returns 404s.

How can we solve this problem?

Thanks in advance for your advice

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Jiveabillion - 8/21/2012 3:40:41 PM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
if you just leave it as the .aspx extension, it should work fine. Everyone gets so worked up over extensions where there really is no need to. It's all about the MIME type that the browser receives from the response.

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Patrick - 8/22/2012 1:50:45 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
Well, .aspx is not working... empty white page in the browser when opening http://www.vtx.ch/getattachment/General-Terms/VTX-Telecom-General-Terms-and-Conditions.aspx

Furthermore, we do want to show/use the .pdf extension in the URL, so our customers understand, that they are going to download a PDF file.

What is even more strange: PDF linked on the german site are working, but not the ones on the french site. Could it have something to do with german being the default language and the auto language detection?


--> Link check ok


--> Link check 404

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/22/2012 2:19:15 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files

Does the path for the French document exist?

What are your exact URLs and SEO settings set for your site?
What are the URLs for the document on the Properties -> General and URLs tabs?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Patrick - 8/22/2012 2:39:41 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
Hi Juraj,

here we go: Settings for site "www.vtx.ch", category "URLs and SEO"

URL format

Forbidden URL characters:

Forbidden characters replacement: -

Allowed URL characters:

Friendly URL extensions:

Files friendly URL extension:

Document URLs

Automatically update document alias: False

Default URL path prefix:

Use name path for URL path: False

Use permanent URLs: False

Remember original URLs when moving documents: True

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Use language prefix for URLs: False

Allow URLs without language prefixes: False

Redirect documents to main extension: False

Move ViewState to the end of the page: True

Allow permanent (301) redirection: True

Use URLs with trailing slash: DONTCARE (

Redirect document aliases to main URL: True

Redirect invalid case URLs to their correct versions: NONE

PDFs are uploaded as attachement directly to the pages, so the PDFs itself don't have a URL or Path and can only be called with the getattachment handler. We list the PDF either with an attachment repeater (eg in the left navigation) or use the links in the content.

Alias path: /Residential/Telephony/Pre-Selection
Culture: German - Switzerland
Name path: /Residential/Telefonie/Preselection
Live URL: /De/Residential/Telefonie/Preselection

With attachement:

Alias path: /Residential/Telephony/Pre-Selection
Culture: French - Switzerland
Name path: /Residential/Téléphonie/Présélection
Live URL: /Fr/Residential/Telephonie/Preselection

With attachement:

It's really strange, as Google Webmaster Tools only complains about the "french" URLs

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/22/2012 2:57:46 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files

Could you please review the PDF file itself? FireFox - the Adobe reader plugin I have - is complaining when trying to open the PDF file - "The file does not exist" and when I try to download the file I am getting "File not found" message.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Patrick - 8/22/2012 3:10:24 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
This is really strange... copy/paste of the PDF URLs into the browser doesn't work. But clicking on the links on our site opens the PDFs as it should.

Can you try? The PDFs are listed in the bottom box in the left navigation


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/22/2012 3:22:27 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files

Both links - I am able to click and open/save the PDF files as well as when I copy the file URL, the PDF is opened in both cases.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Patrick - 8/22/2012 3:25:35 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
Just found another strange behaviour, when copy/pasting the following URLs into Chrome:

-> 200 OK

-> 404 NOK

Both PDFs are linked/attached to this page http://www.vtx.ch/De/AGB and links are working when I click on them.

Both PDF have been generated with the same PDF tool, and have the same properties.

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Patrick - 8/22/2012 3:49:09 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
Maybe the HEADER info helps?

Request URL:http://www.vtx.ch/getattachment/Residential/Telephony/Pre-Selection/Contrat-VTX-Preselection-FR.pdf
Request Method:GET
Status Code:404 Not Found
Request Headersview source
Cookie:CMSPreferredUICulture=en-us; .ASPXFORMSAUTH=9FAFC2793AE63B7AB3F926571CEB53592E0EC3D1B24D28A5770047B457E56526BADA65778BBDB3CE90BEB82413CD3A1CEB5AF160463E375F6F3003C80932E6901B70017752D45A8B4A840BEAFB71100554366444A547D1C9F8CDD48894A37800835E5DAEDF00EAE267F000487BEB877960AD3278EA1FBC5F33DB25FCFC1781A9; CMSSplitMode=0%7Cde-CH%7CVertical%7C1; CMSPreferredCulture=de-CH; CurrentTheme=VTX; __utma=248872256.34959376.1329141563.1343310116.1345624509.8; __utmb=248872256.1.10.1345624509; __utmz=248872256.1329141563.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.63 Safari/535.7
Response Headersview source
Cache-Control:private, must-revalidate
Date:Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:58:21 GMT

Request URL:http://www.vtx.ch/getattachment/Residential/Telephony/Pre-Selection/Vertrag-VTX-Telephony-Festnetz-DE.pdf

Request Method:GET
Status Code:200 OK
Request Headersview source
Cookie:CMSPreferredUICulture=en-us; .ASPXFORMSAUTH=9FAFC2793AE63B7AB3F926571CEB53592E0EC3D1B24D28A5770047B457E56526BADA65778BBDB3CE90BEB82413CD3A1CEB5AF160463E375F6F3003C80932E6901B70017752D45A8B4A840BEAFB71100554366444A547D1C9F8CDD48894A37800835E5DAEDF00EAE267F000487BEB877960AD3278EA1FBC5F33DB25FCFC1781A9; CMSSplitMode=0%7Cde-CH%7CVertical%7C1; CMSPreferredCulture=de-CH; CurrentTheme=VTX; __utma=248872256.34959376.1329141563.1343310116.1345624509.8; __utmb=248872256.1.10.1345624509; __utmz=248872256.1329141563.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.63 Safari/535.7
Response Headersview source
Cache-Control:public, must-revalidate
Content-Disposition:inline; filename=Vertrag-VTX-Telephony-Festnetz-DE.pdf
Date:Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:59:20 GMT
ETag:"de-ch|385f493b-dc8a-4f11-b38f-c7ed01fba3d5|6/26/2012 9:25:51 AM"
Expires:Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:59:21 GMT
Last-Modified:Tue, 26 Jun 2012 09:25:51 GMT

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Jiveabillion - 8/24/2012 9:58:31 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
When I go here http://www.vtx.ch/getattachment/Residential/Telephony/Pre-Selection/Contrat-VTX-Preselection-FR.pdf

I get a blank page. I also get a blank page if I take off the extension or change it to .aspx or even delete half of the file name.

Do you have a 404 redirect to a blank page??

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Patrick - 8/27/2012 3:04:50 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files
that's exactly our problem. PDF linked/attached from the french part of our website are not opening properly when entering the URL directly in the browser. Google does not index them.

The german ones work and are also indexed by google. -> http://www.vtx.ch/getattachment/Residential/Telephony/Pre-Selection/Vertrag-VTX-Telephony-Festnetz-DE.pdf

our 404 page is working as it should as well --> try http://www.vtx.ch/thisiscrap

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/27/2012 5:36:17 AM
RE:SEO friendly names of CMS.Files

This is very strange and I think we are walking in circles. Would it be possible to send us a message to our support with access credentials to your CMS so we can check this behavior and also the PDF document and its properties? You can refer to this forum thread in the message.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus