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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Content Search from CMSDesk across multiple sites View modes: 
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tmartin-wernervas - 9/4/2012 4:36:59 PM
Content Search from CMSDesk across multiple sites
We have multiple sites running from a single database. The users would like to be able to search all articles in all sites from the CMSDesk. It appears the Search Content option in the CMSDesk only works with the current site.

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 9/5/2012 8:02:37 AM
RE:Content Search from CMSDesk across multiple sites
You could create a webpart that would search across multiple sites by coping and modifying the current webpart a bit. It could include a new property that would have a semicolon separated list of sites to search from. Then you'd have to make sure your transformation was correct so it had the correct URLs when providing the results.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/6/2012 2:57:14 AM
RE:Content Search from CMSDesk across multiple sites

What about creating a smart search index for this purpose - this index will cover multiple sites and then, when searching in CMS Desk you will select this index from the Website indexes drop down list.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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tmartin-wernervas - 9/6/2012 8:14:18 AM
RE:Content Search from CMSDesk across multiple sites
I have the smart search working but it does not seem to find our custom document types. Do I need to setup a separate index for those?

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 9/6/2012 9:35:30 AM
RE:Content Search from CMSDesk across multiple sites
The smart search module is only capable of indexing data from documents (of standard document types [not containers]) and from custom tables (this custom table needs to be created by custom tables module - Custom tables module overview)

You can create a new custom table via the custom table module and keep your data in this custom table that can be indexed by the smart search module . Would this be an option for you? If not, I’m afraid you would need to modify smart search module web part and add results from your custom table to the resulting dataset, since smart search module is currently not able to index data from your custom table in that was not created via custom table module of Kentico CMS.

Also... don't forget to rebuild your search index.

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tmartin-wernervas - 9/6/2012 10:29:22 AM
RE:Content Search from CMSDesk across multiple sites
Sorry for the confusion, I may have used the wrong term to describe the document type we created. I went to the Search fields tab of the document type and made sure Tokenized was checked on the fields I wanted to search. Rebuilt the index and it is working now.