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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed View modes: 
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stradle - 9/28/2012 2:48:49 PM
Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed
Hello, I am wanting to create an RSS feed which has a lot more elements than are currently shown in the RSSItem transformation e.g.

<guid isPermaLink="false"><%# Eval("NodeGUID") %></guid>
<title><%# EvalCDATA("NewsTitle") %></title>
<description><%# EvalCDATA("NewsSummary") %></description>
<pubDate><%# GetRSSDateTime(Eval("NewsReleaseDate")) %></pubDate>
<link><![CDATA[<%# GetAbsoluteUrl(GetDocumentUrlForFeed(), Eval("SiteName")) %>]]></link>
<test><%# Eval("AnotherFieldFromDocumentType")%></test>
<test2><%# Eval("AndAnother")%></test2>
<test3><%# Eval("AndAnotherOne")%></test3>

Tried the above code, but I am getting no more additional Elements showing through on the feed.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 9/29/2012 10:16:41 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed

Could you please let me know your setup? What web part are you using to display the data? How is it set up?

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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stradle - 9/29/2012 10:26:05 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed
Hi, thanks for getting back to me.
I am using a CMS RSS Feed web part
This was then assigned to a path which brings through all the items under that path.

So I have the RSS Feed bringing through the relevant data from that path already:
Martin Test Feed

But the issue I have is I want to add in a whole load of other elements which are part of the document types that are already feeding through.

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stradle - 10/1/2012 3:50:39 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed
Just wondering if I am using the correct web part to achieve this?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 10/1/2012 7:18:39 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed

At first, do you have such fields available?
For example, is the following field available for your document type, which you are displaying?


I know, that this is only an example, but the field needs to exist to be displayed. Do you have any limitations set up on the datasource web part? The fields need to be selected by this web part in order to be displayed in the transformation.

Additionally, what is exactly the issue? Are the values not resolved/displayed or does the RSS stream not reflect any changes done to the transformation?

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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stradle - 10/1/2012 7:56:24 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed
Hi, yes the fields are part of the document type on that page which I am using the RSS Item transformation.
As you can see from the link, the default items from the transformation are coming through fine.

I dont have any limitations, I am just linking my RSS feed to every document within a specific folder.
It picks them all up using the default transformtion.
But as soon as I want to add in additional fields\elements - which exist to it similarly to the example I first showed, then nothing new shows up.

I also just tried adding:

<test>some test text</test>

which doesn't show up.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 10/1/2012 8:18:33 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed

I've added the code, you've mentioned (<test>some test text</test>) to my transformation and it seem to be working fine:

<guid isPermaLink="false">e02f281b-9e9a-41c7-a73a-04656f9b0f5d</guid>
<title><![CDATA[Community Website Section]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[As a result of our continuous effort to improve our services, we have recently introduced the <a href="http://localhost/7_0_site1/Community.aspx">Community</a> section of our website. It is a place where you can both receive interesting information about the company from various communication channels and express your opinions and thoughts yourselves.]]></description>
<pubDate>Mon, 27 Jun 2011 23:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<test>some test text</test>

Here is the screenshot:

User image

Are you sure you don't have any caching applied?

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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stradle - 10/1/2012 8:39:25 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed
Hi Boris,
Thanks for showing me that. I had been just trying to view my output from within the actual RSS reader in firefox, but when I actually look at the source of the feed I can too see my items.

User image

So I guess I have a couple of questions now,

1. How do i get the text to show through on the main RSS view?
2. What am I doing wrong in bringing through the chef name? I am using the following:

<chef><%# Eval("RecipeLoaderChefName") %></chef>

And that field exists in the correct document type.

Many thanks,

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 10/2/2012 2:13:57 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed

Are you sure the data source web part gets that value (RecipeLoaderChefName)? Is it populated? I've tried to achieve something similar and the value is loaded just fine. Please check the screenshot below.

User image

Please check the form tab of the given document, if the RecipeLoaderChefName contains any content.

Please note, that not all tags are allowed in an RSS document. Please check out the RSS document specification.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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stradle - 10/2/2012 6:53:07 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed
Did you just use normal <%# Eval("FieldName")%> to get that to come through from the transformation?


<chef><%# Eval("FieldName")%></chef>

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 10/2/2012 10:44:32 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed


<guid isPermaLink="false"><%# Eval("NodeGUID") %></guid>
<title><%# EvalCDATA("NewsTitle") %></title>
<description><%# EvalCDATA("NewsSummary") %></description>
<pubDate><%# GetRSSDateTime(Eval("NewsReleaseDate")) %></pubDate>
<link><![CDATA[<%# GetAbsoluteUrl(GetDocumentUrlForFeed(), Eval("SiteName")) %>]]></link>
<test>some test text</test>
<chef><%# Eval("Chef") %></chef>

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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stradle - 10/3/2012 10:40:24 AM
RE:Adding Additional Elements to RSS Feed
Thanks, I will have another shot at that.