Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Static html condensed on mobile device View modes: 
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Jeff Gow - 1/10/2013 9:25:00 AM
Static html condensed on mobile device
I am developing a new mobile site for our firm. On the about us page, I have static html (using the static html web part) that when displayed on my phone (Samsung Galaxy SII), the div's span only about 1/3 of the page. When I view in IE9 it displays across the entire width of the page.

There are no styles on this page aside from text size and the global font colors. I have tried setting each div to 100% width, 1100px width, with no luck.

On the same mobile site, I have repeaters that are displaying the intended width without issue. Is there a known issue that I can't find about the static html web part?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
richards@kentico.com - 1/11/2013 3:25:12 AM
RE:Static html condensed on mobile device

from the information you provided we cant really tell what might be wrong. Are you using some container for this web-part? I would also reccommend checking the page template layout if there is some higher style coding. There is a function in Kentico 7 where you can preview the pages with mobile device profiles, but unfortunately we can't test it here in Kentico 6. Would it be possible for you to use resend your request to kentico support at http://www.kentico.com/Support/Submit-support-question so we can further investigate this?

Best regards,
Richard Sustek

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Jeff Gow - 1/11/2013 8:17:25 AM
RE:Static html condensed on mobile device
The page sits inside the content placeholder on the Master Page, which doesn't have any styling that would make this happen. The layout of the page itself is just the webpart zone.

I will submit to support now.