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Version 5.x > Bug reports > FCKeditor only works in IE Quirks mode View modes: 
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dion@lemonade.com.au - 1/16/2013 8:19:56 PM
FCKeditor only works in IE Quirks mode
I am running Kentico v5.5.3996 R2 and there are some aspects of the CMSDesk admin screens that will not work unless it is running in IE Quirks mode.

It mostly affects the WYSIWYG editor (height of FCKeditor controls becomes too small to use) and the pop-up windows for Insert Images or Media come up blank.

I am gathering the issue is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_box_model_bug
So what I would like to achieve is to force CMSDesk into Quirks mode so that the editors do not have to manually change to Quirks mode whenever they want to edit the site.

So my question is how can the DOCTYPE be changed to force Quirks mode in CMSDesk in Kentico. Either that or is there a way to fix the core issue so it works in all browsers (this would be ideal!)

Upgrading and applying hotfixes is really not an option due to too many customisations.

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 1/17/2013 10:16:59 AM
RE:FCKeditor only works in IE Quirks mode

Could you please tell me which version of IE are you running?

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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dion@lemonade.com.au - 1/17/2013 5:00:54 PM
RE:FCKeditor only works in IE Quirks mode

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 1/18/2013 2:31:49 AM
RE:FCKeditor only works in IE Quirks mode

As you can see in the old Developers Guide: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/5_5/devguide/index.html?system_requirements.htm IE9 is not officially supported for content editing in v5.5. The reason is that the IE9 was released after Kentico v5.5.

Anyway, I've tested and there is no problem while working with FCKEditor in IE9. I would recommend you to check your JavaScripts because it is possible they are in conflict with FCKEditor functionality. Try to remove them one by one a maybe you will the reason of this issue.

On the other side, I would still recommend you to apply at least the latest hotfix (shouldn't affect your customization) and eventually upgrade to v6. Please understand that you are in the specific state and we had already fixed many issues in the hotfixes, especially about bugs, security updates and improved functionality.

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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dion@lemonade.com.au - 1/21/2013 9:52:38 PM
RE:FCKeditor only works in IE Quirks mode
Thanks for getting back to me Martin. I have no problem with IE9 not being supported, the problem is that no browsers seem to work for the 2 main points I raised i.e.

- WYSIWYG editor (height of FCKeditor controls becomes too small to use)
- the pop-up windows for Insert Images or Media come up blank

See attached: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5955089/cmsdesk.jpg

The Javascript is all Kentico's or are you suggesting some front end javascript could conflict with cmsdesk functionality? That seems pretty unlikely.


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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 2/3/2013 9:05:04 AM
RE:FCKeditor only works in IE Quirks mode
Hello Dion,

Sorry for the delay. Yes, of course also front-end JS are loaded in the background, so I would recommend you to try to disable them.. especially if you are using some JS library, e.g. jQuery. Most of the errors like this are caused by JS conflicts. FCKEditor is just completely written in the JS with many functions which could be conflicted with custom JS.

As second, the latest hotfix for your version could be really helpful and I think it can save you a lot of time if this issue was already fixed.

Best regards,
Martin Danko