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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Workflow & Versions View modes: 
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shobman - 4/5/2011 1:35:26 AM
Workflow & Versions
Hi there,

I'm just trying out workflows and content approval for the first time.

It seems to me that the CMS Editor role has access to delete versions of a document. But if workflow is enabled for approval, the editor shouldn't be able to delete any versions because that should require approval. Is that possible to set up?

Also, I think that the editor user should also be able to revoke or cancel an item they have sent for approval if it has not yet been approved.

If anyone has any ideas for how to set this up, I'd like to hear from you.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 4/5/2011 5:43:57 AM
RE:Workflow & Versions
you can disable Versions tab in Properties of documents using UI personalization module. Without access to this part, CMS Editors role will not be able delete versions of document.

Unfortunately, in the UI is not an option to cancel or revoke the request. There is a Preview mode, where the editor can check page content and decide if he finished his work or not.

In case you need this functionality in your project, you can use API and add this possibility into the UI. You can find API examples here.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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jack.Ryder-ymail - 1/3/2014 6:51:44 AM
RE:Workflow & Versions
hi,Can we get advance workflow functionality in version 5.5 for the red and green button???like it is appear for document which is published and not published??
I don't get any button(grren or red) for document which is published or not publish??/so can u tell me how it will be appear there(in root tree for document for which i have applied workflow)???