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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Intermittent broken images in web-kit browsers. View modes: 
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chris.spain-targetbase - 12/9/2010 3:05:24 PM
Intermittent broken images in web-kit browsers.
We are using images for our primary and secondary navigation. This is a client requirement because of the fonts.

The navigation works great in all non web-kit browsers, like IE, Firefox, Opera, etc...
However it is inconsistent in web-kit browsers (safari, chrome, etc..). In some cases 1 or 2 navigation images are broken. Reloading the page doesn't help reload the images once they are broken. The broken images are being cached by the browser, and continue to be used until you clear the browser cache.

To me, this is acting like a browser bug, but I have yet to see any documented cases of this on the web-kit sites. Although I have found following issue that could relate, but implementing that fix (removing windows authentication) did not fix our issue.


Has anyone seen this issue? Do you think this could be caused by any Kentico functionality such as the HttpHandler?

We are using the combination database/file system file storage functionality.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 12/20/2010 2:41:16 AM
RE:Intermittent broken images in web-kit browsers.

Could you please debug the requests for those images and check, what error code is returned (e.g. 404, 500...)? You can try to use Firebug lite for this.
Could you please also post a screenshot of the problem?

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko