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aim - 5/25/2011 2:28:33 PM
Bug in Lightbox Gallery?
We created a page using the Lightbox Gallery template. We have the image files saved the next level below the page as shown in this image:


The page and the images have all been published. When we first published the page on May 13, this worked as expected. However, we've recently discovered that the page is no longer displaying any images and obviously, the lightbox functionality isn't working. We're on Kentico CMS 5.5 R2 with hotfix 5.5R2.23 installed.

The page is located here:




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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 5/31/2011 12:58:29 AM
RE:Bug in Lightbox Gallery?

I inspected the HTML layout of that page and the Lightbox web part content is not rendered (apart from the content before/after or container - <div class="lightBoxGallery"></div>) which brings me to an idea that some Lightbox properties might be changed and therefore the images are not shown. I mean, please check mainly the Path, the Transformation and the Document types property in there.

Moreover, please check whether the alias path of the 17thAnnualBusinessPics document hasn't been changed recently (which would cause the incorrect Path setting of your Lightbox web part).

If you are unable to track it down, please send us the export of the web part properties (it is at the very bottom of the web part properties window).

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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aim - 5/31/2011 11:10:05 AM
RE:Bug in Lightbox Gallery?

Thanks. I'll check those first and then follow-up.


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aim - 6/7/2011 9:47:32 AM
RE:Bug in Lightbox Gallery?
I tested this again after applying the latest hotfix and it's back to working as it should. I don't know if the hotfix is responsible for fixing that problem but it's no longer occurring on our web site.
