7/20/2010 11:42:05 AM
Exception when logging into Kentico
Hi all,
I was updating my new Kentico 5.5 website, when I ran into this error:
Exception Details: System.Exception: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: UPDATE CMS_User SET [UserName] = @UserName, [FirstName] = @FirstName, [MiddleName] = @MiddleName, [LastName] = @LastName, [FullName] = @FullName, [Email] = @Email, [UserPassword] = @UserPassword, [PreferredCultureCode] = @PreferredCultureCode, [PreferredUICultureCode] = @PreferredUICultureCode, [UserEnabled] = @UserEnabled, [UserIsEditor] = @UserIsEditor, [UserIsGlobalAdministrator] = @UserIsGlobalAdministrator, [UserIsExternal] = @UserIsExternal, [UserPasswordFormat] = @UserPasswordFormat, [UserCreated] = @UserCreated, [LastLogon] = @LastLogon, [UserStartingAliasPath] = @UserStartingAliasPath, [UserGUID] = @UserGUID, [UserLastModified] = @UserLastModified, [UserLastLogonInfo] = @UserLastLogonInfo, [UserIsHidden] = @UserIsHidden, [UserVisibility] = @UserVisibility, [UserIsDomain] = @UserIsDomain, [UserHasAllowedCultures] = @UserHasAllowedCultures, [UserSiteManagerDisabled] = @UserSiteManagerDisabled WHERE [UserID] = @UserID: caused exception: The transaction log for database 'KenticoCMS55' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
I now get this message everytime I log into Kentico and I can't proceed to CMS Desk. Any ideas? I was hoping to update my website today.