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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part View modes: 
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Mark - 8/24/2010 1:15:41 PM
Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part
I have seen this problem with version 5.0 and 5.5. After creating an image gallery page, inserting a Media Gallery web part and uploading images to the media library (and registering the images with the database), if the user deletes an image (in the Media Library), it is gone from the media gallery (in CMSDESK) but a blank image icon (the default 'placeholder' blank image that appears when a link to the image is broken/wrong) and the name and file details remain visible in the gallery page. Other images loaded and NOT deleted are still visible as expected, but deleted images are not really deleted it seems. Is this a bug or is there a setting misconfigured somewhere?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 8/25/2010 9:47:34 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part

Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce this issue on default 5.0 and 5.5 installation.

In both cases:
1. I created Image gallery page
2. Inserted Media Galery webpart to this page
3. Changed Properties of Media Galery webpart (set Media library: Czech nature - this media library is in default Corporate site).
4. I removed the first image in Czech nature media library in CMS Desk - Tools - Media librariies - Czech nature
5. The image was removed in CMS Desk - Tools - Media libraries - Czech nature library
6. The image was removed in CMS Desk - Content - my image media library page (only second image was displayed).

Could you grant us with an access to your system to check behavior you described? You can send it to support@kentico.com.

Could you also tell us what your Cache setting is?
A) In properties of your media library page - General - Cache (CMS Desk)
B) In Site Manager - Settings - Web site

So far it seems to be same caching issue.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Mark - 8/25/2010 10:06:36 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part
Thank you.

URL - http://www.arnorth.army.mil/Photo-Gallery.aspx (the first image 'Chem' was removed from the image library)

Cache settings - CMS Desk page - Inherit

Site Manager - content - 10 min
images - 10 min
page info - 10 min

I was thinking that it could be a caching issue but I couldn't determine if it is an application setting or a server issue, not knowing where all the cache settings are in Kentico application.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 8/25/2010 11:14:54 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part

your settings seems to be correct.
Could you please try to apply the latest hotfix?

Have you used several image gallery pages in one folder in content tree?

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Mark - 8/25/2010 11:19:10 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part
It does this in version 5.0.3656 and version 5.5.3789. I don't think the hot fix is the issue.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 8/26/2010 4:51:02 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part

It might help, because there was same caching issue in 5.5 version in special circumstances. If the latest hotfix will not help, could you please grant me with an access to your CMS Desk (send it to support@kentico.com with reference to this thread). I would like to check used webparts and inheritance and compare it with my settings.

Thank you.
Ivana Tomanickova

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Mark - 8/26/2010 7:17:18 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part
Unfortunately I cannot give you access to our CMSDesk.

However, could you send your settings or a screenshot for me to compare to my site settings?

Also, I inherited this set up from the previous webmaster and I have no idea if he patched it before he left. How can I tell if the hotfixes were applied?


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amutch-twp.waterford.mi - 8/27/2010 9:39:56 PM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part

When you're logged into the CMSDesk, the version number that is installed appears in the right hand corner of the screen next to your user name. For example:


Corresponds to the latest hotfix.

Good luck!


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Mark - 10/21/2010 8:49:23 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part
I still haven't found out what is causing this issue. I have tried to delete and create a new library, but the same problem occurs. If you delete an image from a library, the thumbnail is no longer displayed on the site gallery page, but the white box that surrounds it (to display information about the image) is still there, displaying the image information.

I have a test site I am going to try to apply the latest update/hotfix to see if the problem resolves itself, but I doubt it will.


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Mark - 10/27/2010 2:20:58 PM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part
I have installed the hot fixes for 5.0 and 5.5 sites. This problem still exists.

I tried to reload the exact images that were deleted to see what happened. The 'blanks' remained and the 'new' version also displayed in the gallery.

When I deleted the 'new' images, one of them disappeared completely (both the 'blank' and the 'new' image) but the other remained. I tried to reload them again and the image that remained now had TWO 'new' images and the blank. I deleted the image and one of the 'new' images disappeared, leaving the original 'blank' and the first 'new' image. The other image disappeared completely.

In the original problem, please note the the image removed was the first image in the gallery. After it disappeared completely, the other image became the first image AND the last image in the gallery.

I deleted the images in the CMS desk Media Library, using the interface tools provided.



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 10/29/2010 6:48:04 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part

Firstly, are there any customizations on your site?

Could you please try to install new instance of Kentico CMS on your server and try if the behavior is the same?

Furthermore, please check whether there is a record of this deleted file within Media_File table in your database. It is possible that it was deleted physically from disk but reference remained in the database.

Alternatively, could you please try to add 0 value to 'Partial cache minutes' property for Media Gallery webpart you use. This will disable cache for this particular webpart and we'll see whether this might be the case.

Another thing on my mind, could you please restart your application in Site Manager -> Administration -> System? This might help as well.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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Mark - 10/29/2010 7:42:13 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part
Yes it is still in the database table.

Restarting the application did not work. It was still there.

I had to delete the reference from the table. Now they are gone.

Thank you,

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Mark - 11/10/2010 11:38:36 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part
After some thought, the issue seems to be why did the application not delete the reference from the database when the image was deleted from the library.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 11/26/2010 1:08:21 PM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part

Could you please find out if there are any customizations on your site?

Do you have possibility to install fresh instance of Kentico CMS on your server and try if the behavior is the same?

Only scenario, which could lead to this state, is that files from media library were deleted just from file system (either manually or in some custom way for instance). Therefore, it would be helpful, if you could either check whether your site was customized or send us backups of your database and project folder (you can send us download links to support@kentico.com).

Thank you in advance for cooperation.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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sue.pearlman-johnscreekga - 8/13/2012 4:26:26 PM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part
I am having a similar problem. Users wanted a number of files renamed, and it was simpler to delete all the files in the folder and reload them. I used delete in the Media Library to do this.

When the files are displayed in the Media Library, the list looks fine (image 1 below)... but when the content editor goes to access the files via insert to a form, thumbnails for both the old and new files show up (image 2 below), and it's not clear which ones to pick.

We are on 5.5r2 and I have never applied (nor do I know how to apply) a hot fix.

Thank you for any help!

Image 1:

User image

Image 2:

User image

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/19/2012 3:02:29 AM
RE:Images will not delete from Media Gallery Web part

Could you please apply the latest hotfix for version 5.5R2? Using this hotfix I am unable to reproduce the issue. I've tested it on images and PDFs - once the image/PDF was deleted via the UI in CMS Desk, the thumbnails were deleted as well.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus