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Version 5.x > New features > Mobile Improvements View modes: 
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snk1324 - 5/17/2011 7:49:31 PM
Mobile Improvements
Been using Kentico regularly for a while now, and one area that really needs improvement is the mobile functionality. What ends up happening and really shouldn't is that you have to duplicate content. An easy way to improve this is to have a Mobile template selection for a page, along with a default mobile template selection for document types. These could inherit just like the regular templates do. This would make it much easier to have content structured nicely, and only exist once in the tree. I have been able to work around this by using link documents, but this is far from ideal.

I use jQuery Mobile for handling my mobile pages, and to really take advantage of it, you need different templates, and different Master page than the regular pages, and the only way to do this is to either duplicate content or create link documents. Link doucments are better than just duplicating content, but not ideal. Ideally, I should be able to create a single document with various fields, and I should be able to place that document anywhere in the CMS tree, and when it is rendered (say from a repeater using a transformation or a selected item transformation), it should be able to be placed on different templates. Currently this is not possible unless you use link documents.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 5/24/2011 8:55:46 AM
RE:Mobile Improvements

I see - I would find such feature useful as well. Regrettably, it is not supported by default to change the page template on the fly, based on user-agent (e.g. mobile device).

At any rate, Kentico CMS is a standart ASP.NET application and you can try to develop a custom webpart which would be used on your page template. This one would check the user-agent and set a page template for current document using our API:

You could also raise a vote on our UserVoice portal:

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil