Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 5.x.
Version 5.x > Upgrades > Error after updating from version 4 to 5.5 View modes: 
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neil-myfitfund - 10/24/2010 4:54:45 PM
Error after updating from version 4 to 5.5
[DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: UPDATE CMS_UserSettings SET [UserNickName] = @UserNickName, [UserPicture] = @UserPicture, [UserSignature] = @UserSignature, [UserURLReferrer] = @UserURLReferrer, [UserCampaign] = @UserCampaign, [UserMessagingNotificationEmail] = @UserMessagingNotificationEmail, [UserCustomData] = @UserCustomData, [UserRegistrationInfo] = @UserRegistrationInfo, [UserPreferences] = @UserPreferences, [UserActivationDate] = @UserActivationDate, [UserActivatedByUserID] = @UserActivatedByUserID, [UserTimeZoneID] = @UserTimeZoneID, [UserAvatarID] = @UserAvatarID, [UserBadgeID] = @UserBadgeID, [UserShowSplashScreen] = @UserShowSplashScreen, [UserActivityPoints] = @UserActivityPoints, [UserForumPosts] = @UserForumPosts, [UserBlogComments] = @UserBlogComments, [UserGender] = @UserGender, [UserDateOfBirth] = @UserDateOfBirth, [UserMessageBoardPosts] = @UserMessageBoardPosts, [UserSettingsUserGUID] = @UserSettingsUserGUID, [UserSettingsUserID] = @UserSettingsUserID, [WindowsLiveID] = @WindowsLiveID, [UserBlogPosts] = @UserBlogPosts, [UserWaitingForApproval] = @UserWaitingForApproval, [UserDialogsConfiguration] = @UserDialogsConfiguration, [UserDescription] = @UserDescription, [UserUsedWebParts] = @UserUsedWebParts, [UserUsedWidgets] = @UserUsedWidgets, [UserFacebookID] = @UserFacebookID WHERE [UserSettingsID] = @UserSettingsID: caused exception: Must declare the scalar variable "@UserUsedWebParts".

Hi - something tells me that we did some custom work on the kentico and that caused the issue(s)? Is this something you've seen and can say "oh fix it with this little script" or do I need to do something more robust.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 10/25/2010 5:50:01 AM
RE:Error after updating from version 4 to 5.5

Could you please check out this blog post and use the package mentioned in it? The reason and fix for this issue should be the same.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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neil-myfitfund - 1/17/2011 11:46:55 AM
RE:Error after updating from version 4 to 5.5
Hi Boris,

I've noticed that the version 5.5 is missing the references to many web parts which are in the webparts folders. One is the atom feeds under Syndication. The references to the web parts isn't there. Shouldn't the database have updated this? In other words when I go to add in a webpart, I don't see the Atom Feeds there and I don't see Syndication as a folder option. Wondering if the upgrade missed something.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 1/18/2011 3:49:10 AM
RE:Error after updating from version 4 to 5.5

could you please confirm that you followed all steps described in the upgrade procedure?

The easiest solution would be to install default 5.5 version, export missing webparts (Development - Webparts - select webpart - Export) and import them into your upgraded application.
You could download Kentico_5.5 version using following link:

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova