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adrien.geymond-apx - 12/24/2010 5:32:16 AM
Worflow and roles
Dear all,

I have a question about workflows. I am trying to setup a workflow based on a published step with is allowed to a specific role.

I have followed instructions available in but unfortunately i am not able to find the 'role tab' in the edit menu of the workflow step.

is it normal ? Do i have to activate this feature ? Did somebody already have this kind of issue ?

Please fin below a screenshot: User image

Thank you by advance for your help/support.

Merry Christmas !!


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adrien.geymond-apx - 12/24/2010 5:35:04 AM
RE:Worflow and roles
here is the url for the picture:

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 12/27/2010 12:25:02 AM
RE:Worflow and roles

Please note that you can add a custom role into custom workflow step only. So not into 3 pre-defined workflow steps, which are Edit, Published and Archived. By default, workflow e-mails are sent as per this article, however you can define a custom workflow step and assign any role to it (so its members will be receiving notification emails) as it is described here.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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apxdev - 12/28/2010 4:17:55 PM
RE:Worflow and roles
Thank you for your answer. You are right.

I am able to assign roles to a custom step.

Thank you.
