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gaurav.agrawal-octalsoftware - 4/19/2011 12:33:03 AM
Smart search problem

Can anyone send me an example of Smart search filter with dropdownlist and smart search result.

I integrated both but they didn't work i filled years in smart search filter dropdownlist but when i searched a particular year data it didn't visible....


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/19/2011 2:42:19 AM
RE:Smart search problem
Hi Gaurav,

you can see a working example on the sample Corporate site in the content tree -> Examples -> Web parts -> Full-text search -> Smart search filter.

The documentation is here: Using the smart search filter.

What value in the Values property do you use? Maybe there is an invalid value.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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gaurav.agrawal-octalsoftware - 4/19/2011 3:36:03 AM
RE:Smart search problem

I did most of the work at this location and now searching didn't work please do it on this location, then i will check this.

I have trial website on kentico and its details are:
web site :
Administration :
Username : administrator
Password : ulWqeBiO

Please use corporate site.

In this site in the News Section I used smart search filter and smart search result but it didn't work.

In the smart search filter i want to filter news according to newsreleasedate year.
By using a query i filled dynamically years in the filter dropdownlist and my requirement is
on the selection of "Select Year" search result displays all records and if i choose any specific year like "2011" then all news displays whose year(newsreleasedate) is 2011.

I tried lots but i couldn't do this...

Please tell me how it can be done....

Gaurav Agrawal

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/19/2011 5:16:25 AM
RE:Smart search problem
Hi Gauvrav,

Regrettably, the Smart search filter works with Smart search dialog or box not directly with the Search results.

Unless you want to use the complete dialog, you could develop a custom web part. There could be a CMSRepeater displaying the news and a dropdownlist which will set up the proper Where condition on Selected index changed event.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova