Site structure
Version 5.x > Site structure > blankmasterpage View modes: 
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b.boughader-teleblue - 4/17/2012 1:01:26 AM

If i created a new Portal site, it will be created under C:\KenticoCMS5\CMSTemplateLayouts\cms\blankmasterpage.ascx

but if i created another Portal site, also it will take the same path, how can i customize that path and give each Portal site different master page?

Thank You

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 4/18/2012 2:18:08 AM

If you create a portal site, then no physical files are used. I think, you are mixing some things together. The given folder is created when you save virtual files to the file system (e.g. if deploying to a medium trust environment). Otherwise, these files are virtual and used as a template for creating pages in the system (in this case it is a master page template). Please check our documentation for more information about those templates. Particularly I would suggest the chapter about the master page concept, creating a new page template and about editing master pages.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko