I assume that you are using standard logon page for logging into
CMS Desk which can be found in
~/CMSPages/Logon.aspx location. If so, you can add your custom code which will track number of attempts per user name (
this.Login1.UserName) in this file in
Login1_LoginError method/event.
In this case you can store user name (
this.Login1.UserName), used password (
this.Login1.Password) and for example IP address of the visitor (
http://forums.asp.net/p/892765/953638.aspx) into web analytics as custom statistics:
http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/creating_custom_reports.htmYou can then check the data from database whether the user exceeded number of attempts and simply you can disable the user via Kentico CMS API (set UserEnabled property of existing user [UserInfo object]):
http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/managing_users.htmOnce the account is disabled, user will not be able to log in.
However, we do not recommend you to use this approach since someone could try to log in as different user and at this point such user account will be disabled.
So, I would recommend you to just send an e-mail to administrator in case someone is trying repetitively to log in as some other user with detail information (user name, password, IP address).
Best regards,
Miroslav Remias