ASPX templates
Version 5.x > ASPX templates > Multilingual Dynamic Newsletter View modes: 
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ryans-tushaus - 5/28/2011 1:05:50 AM
Multilingual Dynamic Newsletter
I am creating multiple dynamic newsletters, one for each language.

Since these are dynamic newsletters, I am using the Unsubscription request webpart.

This all works fine with one exception. The Unsubscription request webpart uses the "Newsletters - Unsubscription request" e-mail template. However, this e-mail template doesn't seem to correctly resolve localization macros. The e-mail always inserts the English string even if the Unsubscription request is executed on the Spanish version of a page.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 5/30/2011 5:17:38 AM
RE:Multilingual Dynamic Newsletter

Regrettably, newsletters are not multi-lingual. If you would use the localization macros, it would resolve according the actual culture of CMSDesk.

You could enter the Unsubscribe link in the requested culture manually to the newsletters without that macro. The link to unsubscribe could look like for example:

We are considering improving of this functionality to next versions.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova