Hello Adam,
Well, there is no Design tab in the ASPX templates by default. The approach based on ASPX templates is intented to build ASPX pages in
Visual Studio. Therefore, at least basic programming knowledge of ASP.NET and either C# or VB.NET is required.
I would recommend going through the following articles:
Portal templates vs ASPX templatesASPX versus Portal Engine developement in KenticoASPX page templates how it worksSo, if you want to add a new web part to ASPX template you will need to register the web part at first and then you can use it without any problem.
The following example shows how you can register and use the Repeater web part:
<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/Viewers/cmsrepeater.ascx" TagName="repeater" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
<uc1:repeater runat="server" ID="NewsRepeater" ClassNames="CMS.News" OrderBy="NewsReleaseDate DESC" TransformationName="CMS.News.NewsWithSummary" SelectedItemTransformationName="CMS.News.NewsDetail" PagingMode="querystring" PagerPosition="bottom" ResultsPosition="top" ShowNewButton="True" NewButtonText="Add news" ShowEditDeleteButtons="True" />
Best regards,
Michal Legen