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jwoodburn-gozaic - 2/10/2010 12:12:23 PM
Binding a drop-down to custom User Settings field options
We have an existing multi-step registration form page that has been converted into a Kentico a page template. We would like to bind some of the drop-downs to the corresponding User Settings custom fields (that have Field type set to Drop-down list) - so that when the options for that field are changed, our form reflects those changes.

Basically, our form setup is similar to CMSWebParts/Membership/RegistrationForm.ascx... so if you wanted to add a drop-down field to the user table and a drop-down control to that web part, how would you do so?

As a side note, we attempted to use 'Alternative Forms' for registration, but there were a number of limitations on layout, behavior and custom validation that didn't meet our requirements. So our current approach is to build our page exactly as we need it and handle creating/updating the user via the API. If there is a better approach, we are certainly interested in other options.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/15/2010 4:30:30 AM
RE:Binding a drop-down to custom User Settings field options

If you want to add new field with some special behavior to the form, you need to develop Custom form control with desired functionality and then add it to appropriate form.

If you are building your form as a page template and handling the API, you can add the drop down control to the code or create custom web part to achieve this need and then add it to the page template.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus