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Jenks - 7/27/2010 6:03:44 AM
Sending Meeting Schedule through Email ?
Is it possible to create and send a meeting schedule through E-Mail in Kentico ?
If so, How ???

Can anyone help me regarding this ?

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Jenks - 7/29/2010 1:38:54 AM
RE:Sending Meeting Schedule through Email ?
Outlook provides a facility to create and send appointments. I need this to be implemented Kentico. Is it possible ?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 7/31/2010 5:07:55 PM
RE:Sending Meeting Schedule through Email ?

The functionality to create Outlook appointments is used in our Booking System module - particularly in EventManager module folder - please see ~\CMSModules\EventManager\CMSPages\AddToOutlook.aspx.cs code.

It can be as an inspiration on how our Events can be used as a base documents for the meetings.
The code in the linked article actually could be used with little changes since our EmailEngine usage is very similar to the standard .net classes and functions. You may only need to add the appointment data into the attachment.

Hope this helps.

Zdenek C.

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Jenks - 8/2/2010 11:54:39 PM
RE:Sending Meeting Schedule through Email ?
Can you please give me an example to add the appointment data into the attachment ? I couldnt succeed in it.

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Jenks - 8/16/2010 1:01:48 AM
RE:Sending Meeting Schedule through Email ?
Hi Zdenek,
Any updates on how to send a meeting invitation to users using Kentico API ?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 8/19/2010 8:44:11 PM
RE:Sending Meeting Schedule through Email ?

I'm sorry for the delay.. We were checking some possibilities and it seems the only way would be to use the approach described in the blogpost (you've mentioned in the other discussion) - on

That code uses standard .net (System.Net.Mail) MailMessage, that can be sent through our EmailProvider, using method SendEmail.

Currently, it is not possible to send such email using our EmailQueue or managed email system, because we use our EmailMessage class that doesn't allow setting the content type to text/calendar and using AlternateView class...

Direct emails based on MailMessage should work. In case you want to send huge amount of meeting request emails at once, please try to optimize the code to avoid any lockdowns or similar issues.

Best regards,