10/21/2010 2:49:29 PM
Using WhereCondition SelectTopN to display 1 news source in 3 columns
I'm attempting to create a three-column layout that pulls from the same news source. I want to display the 1st 10 (1-10) news items in the 1st column, the second 10 (11-20) in the second column, and the third 10 (21-30) in the third column.
For the second column, listing items 11-20, I thought I could do something like this: Path="../%" OrderBy="NewsReleaseDate DESC" SelectTopN="20" WhereCondition="[what goes here?] > 10"
And for the third column, listing items 21-30, something like this: Path="../%" OrderBy="NewsReleaseDate DESC" SelectTopN="30" WhereCondition="[what goes here?] > 20"
I'm not sure what value to compare against in the WhereCondition. I can't use NewsReleaseDate because I'm not comparing dates. Is there a way to refer to the SelectTopN rows, once they're selected?
Alternately, is there a better way to do this? Perhaps something to do with hidden pagination?
Thanks, Sherry