It works now like a charm!
You can see it if you take a look at Newsletter_NewsletterIssue table - IssueText column. In case of static issue is xml file created, in case of dynamic issue it is not (the content data are not really stored - it means that if you change the content of dynamic newsletter source page there is no way to see original content).
I can't confirm this, my database stores unique xml/HTML for in each issue in column[IssueText] Also for dynamic letters.
I use a standard page template, not a special newsletter template. (I could have sent any content (eg if i wanted. Now i want to sent some sitepage page each time. And let the user modify it and re-publish it.
(Maybe using some customization working with workflow and versioning.)
I know what you mean. This is way too complex.
Each page should refer to its own location and version...
I hope there is a more db-efficient way to resolve the highest issue id.
If there are a lot of issue a huge dataset is loaded.
System.Data.DataSet issues = IssueProvider.GetIssues("IssueID>0", "IssueID Desc");
HighestIssue= Convert.ToInt32(issues.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]);
OnlineLink.NavigateUrl = "http://" + UrlHelper.GetCurrentDomain() +"/cmsmodules/newsletters/cmspages/getnewsletterissue.aspx?issueid=" + Convert.ToString(HighestIssue + 1);
Anyway, it finaly works like it should be.
Thanx for the help.