Could you please answer following questions?
1. Could you please check whether you have Write permissions set on ~/App_Data/Persistent folder? This folder is used, when the site is imported (import settings are stored here). When the application is restarted, the settings are read from the file in this folder. It seems that file was not created for some reason.
2. Is your
Managed Pipeline Mode setting for your Application pool on IIS set to
Classic or
Integrated? Could you please select Classic?
3. Is enough application memory assigned to your account on your server, system probably got restated and therefore all the import settings have been lost. You could try to increase it according to
limit application memory article.
4. Is this the only app on the server?
5. What does Task manager show while the app is running and what happens up to app crash?
6. This could be also database based/related issue. Could you please let me know your database size?
7. Also, please try to read blogpost about
hosting environment exceptions.8. Alternatively, you could try to use content staging to make changes on one web farm server. This in not as much memory consuming as site import.
Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova