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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > web farm synchronization interval View modes: 
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klwatx - 10/4/2011 1:31:35 PM
web farm synchronization interval
Does synchronize web farm changes task need to be enabled for the web farms to synchronize? The documentation states this, "By default, web farm servers are updated with changes made on other servers once per request." What exactly does this mean. By default the Task enabled checkbox is off.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/5/2011 3:41:26 AM
RE:web farm synchronization interval

It means that the tasks for web farms are executed on every page request - basically on every click on your web site or in the UI. However, if you have hight traffic web site, this might not be good for overall performance and for this reason there is the scheduled task which you can set e.g. to be executed every few minutes.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus