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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > E-commerce - sharing customers across sites View modes: 
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Certified Developer 9
Certified Developer 9
Petr Dvorak - 2/9/2012 4:43:39 AM
E-commerce - sharing customers across sites

can a user account, which has access to the CMS Desk, be configured to see only customers assigned to the current site and not all customers (users) in the system?

Currently the list in Tools/E-commerce/Customers shows everything, but we need to limit the CMS Desk users to see only customers of their own sites. Is it possible?


Petr Dvorak

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/9/2012 8:52:18 AM
RE:E-commerce - sharing customers across sites

Regrettably, it is not. There are no relevant data stored for this kind of functionality in version 5.x of Kentico CMS, so you can't sort customers by the site. Here are all fileds, which are related with a customer:

[CustomerID],[CustomerFirstName] ,[CustomerLastName] ,[CustomerEmail] ,[CustomerPhone] ,[CustomerFax] ,[CustomerCompany] ,[CustomerUserID] ,[CustomerPreferredCurrencyID] ,[CustomerPreferredShippingOptionID] ,[CustomerCountryID] ,[CustomerEnabled] ,[CustomerPrefferedPaymentOptionID] ,[CustomerStateID] ,[CustomerGUID] ,[CustomerTaxRegistrationID] ,[CustomerOrganizationID] ,[CustomerDiscountLevelID] ,[CustomerCreated] ,[CustomerLastModified] ,[CountryID] ,[CountryDisplayName] ,[CountryName] ,[StateID] ,[StateDisplayName] ,[StateName] ,[StateCode] ,[Expr1] ,[UserID] ,[UserCreated] ,[CountryGUID] ,[CountryLastModified] ,[StateGUID] ,[StateLastModified]

Best regards,
Jan Hermann