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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > Import Issue - Images missing View modes: 
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racquistapace-irenewcorp - 7/30/2012 6:43:20 PM
Import Issue - Images missing
I originally responded to a thread in the V6 forum, so I'm reposting here in the v5.x forum:

I'm using v5.0.3656.

I exported a site from our production server and imported it on a dev machine. Everything worked perfectly.

We made major modifications to the site, enough that we didn't want to import it over the old site. So we exported the site (everything selected) from the Dev machine and imported it to the Production Server to a new site. I used the same import/export options I used when I went from Production to Dev server. All files from the \img folder are missing. The file list is there but when I click on a file it gives an error that the file is missing.

I've tried both selecting and deselecting "Import Files (recommended)" and neither option made a difference.

Is this a known import bug with this version? I really don't have the time to upgrade Kentico to v6, so I'm hoping this is just an easy fix.

Thanks for any help!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm2 - 8/1/2012 3:58:57 AM
RE:Import Issue - Images missing

Where exactly is the "img" folder located? Is it a document in your content tree, based on cms.folder document type, or some physical folder within your project folder? Were you storing your files in file system or in database? I mean what were (and are on target instance) related settings found in the Site Manager / Settings / Files section? Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik