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Version 5.x > Installation and deploymentExternal component has thrown an exception View modes: 
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1228 - 10/13/2010 12:43:59 AM
External component has thrown an exception

I'm getting the follwoing error:
[error loading the layout"]
External component has thrown an exception

How can I find out what error this is and how to solve it? It appears totally random for different pages and different users, sometimes. The only thing that's shown on the page where it happens is the background image. If I hit refresh the error goes away, sometimes. Sometimes I have to hit refresh several times and that's not good enough.

The errors does not appear in the event log.

Thanks in advance.

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kentico_michal - 10/18/2010 9:19:32 AM
RE:External component has thrown an exception

Could you please provide us with some additional information?

Could you please post the whole error message?

Which version of Kentico CMS are you using?

Are you using any hosting provider?

Have you tried to restart application (Site Manager -> Administration -> System -> Restart application)?

Best Regards,
Michal Legen