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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > Bizform Recipient/Department Drop Down Selector List View modes: 
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jade-falcon-software - 11/9/2010 11:32:25 AM
Bizform Recipient/Department Drop Down Selector List

I have a situation with a form that I need to have a list of 'departments' which the form presents to the user. The dropdown is a list of targets with 'email hidden' which the visitor selects depending on their query.

For instance the visible text is Tech Support or Billing or General Inquiries each with a unique email address that will be used.

Does anyone have a simple guide that I can follow for setting up this list? I believe it would fall under 'Notification Email' ??

Thank You!!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 11/17/2010 9:47:52 AM
RE:Bizform Recipient/Department Drop Down Selector List

You can define Field type: Drop-down list in your bizform and define values in pairs, like:

Value1; email1
Value2; email2

Then, you can ensure requested behavior in OnAfterSave() handler of your bizform, and according to value selected in drop-down list set SendNotificationEmail() method with requested e-mail address. For example:

if (viewBiz.BasicForm.FieldControls["SendTo"].ToString() = "value1")

(viewBiz.BasicForm.FieldControls["SendTo"].ToString() = "value2")

You can access value of the field via
. You may need retype it as per field´s data type.

More info and example can be seen here.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik