Are you able to send the e-mail (with the same SMTP details) for example from outlook from the same machine (in your case from virtual host) on which your Kentico
CMS is running?
Could you please explain me following?
The server is a virtual host server based on linux using cpanel.
I’m not familiar with cpanel and neither with your configuration, but I would try to send the e-mail from the same environment where you are running your Kentico CMS for testing purposes whether the environment is capable of sending e-mails.
By server in this context do you mean machine where your Kentico CMS is running or some mail server?
There is nothing you can fix in Kentico CMS. We are using standard .NET codes for e-mail sending and it is working just fine. This is the first time some of our customers encountered such issue, so it seems to be your environment based issue.
Best regards,
Miro Remias.