Please see the
E-commerce guide article on purchase process / Shopping cart content (at the bottom).
The abandoned shopping cart is automatically saved and then retrieved according to
Shopping cart retrieval schemeYou can control the time of the cart expiration by setting the
CMSShoppingCartExpirationPeriod key in the web.config. It represents
Number of days after which E-commerce shopping cart content is deleted from the database. It's used for deleting unused shopping carts of anonymous users that are stored in the database with ID stored in the browser cookie. The default value is 30.
usage example (in AppSettings section):
<add key="CMSShoppingCartExpirationPeriod" value="60" />
That's for the anonymous shopping cart. If you are logged as existing customer, the cart will be preserved for any time.
However, it's currently not possible to have multiple shopping carts saved for a single customer. Also, the "save cart" action is not in the default controls, although it could be implemented using API (http://devnet.kentico.com/downloads/kenticocms_api.zip) / ShoppingCartInfoProvider class methods.
How would you imagine such functionality to be managed? Do you have some examples / existing E-commerce solutions?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.