10/4/2011 2:59:00 AM
RE:How to get Facebook user data,using Facebook Connect Logon webpart
Regrettably, it is not supported to get additional data (username, email etc.) from Facebook account in the 5.5 R2 version. The Required user data page allows users to specify some additional information (email, user data, password) for the Kentico site:
Site manager -> Settings -> Facebook Connect -> Required user data page - it is a URL of the page where the Facebook Connect required data web part resides; if entered, then when a new Facebook Connect user logs in to the site, their user account is not created automatically, but they are redirected to this page and required to enter some additional data (or merge with an existing account) using the web part.
If there is no Required user data page defined, default user name and fullname are stored into the database.
Best regards, Helena Grulichova