I inherited a custom media library transformation that my department uses for displaying various forms that are stored in a media library.
The forms are categorized by type and are by default sorted by the date they are added to the media library. Users have the option to sort each form category by Name, Date, and Size but I would like to sort the forms alphabetically by default within each category.
I tried to research an online solution first, and still can't find a setting, property, or piece of code to specify the default sort order for media library content. To further complicate matters, I am a CMS, HTML, and CSS novice.
Any suggestions?
Custom Media Library Transformation
<%@ Register Src="~/CMSModules/MediaLibrary/Controls/LiveControls/MediaFilePreview.ascx" TagName="MediaFilePreview" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<div class="form">
<a href="<%# HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(MediaLibraryFunctions.GetMediaFileUrl(Eval("FileLibraryID") ,Eval("FilePath"), Eval("FileGUID"), Eval("FileName"), GetDataControlValue<bool>("UseSecureLinks"), false)) %>" target="_blank">
<%# HTMLEncode(GetNotEmpty("FileTitle")) %>
<%# HTMLEncode(GetNotEmpty("FileDescription")) %></a>
<span>Type:</span> <%# Eval("FileExtension", true) %>
<span>Size:</span> <%# DataHelper.GetSizeString(ValidationHelper.GetLong(Eval("FileSize"), 0)) %>
<span>Uploaded:</span> <%# ((DateTime)Eval("FileCreatedWhen")).ToString("M/d/yyyy") %>
Thanks in advance,
Greg Smith