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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Reading data from an external database best practice View modes: 
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m.rutter - 5/11/2010 5:41:30 AM
Reading data from an external database best practice
Hi everybody,
I searched in the KB but I can't find an official explaination (a best practice) about how to read data from an external database (not SQL Server and not the Kentico database - i.e. MySQL/Postgres SQL/etc.) and display the results to a page.

Please, can someone redirect me to the official documentation (if it exists)?

Thank you very much.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/11/2010 7:58:51 AM
RE:Reading data from an external database best practice

There are no special actions required. You can display the data as in any other .Net web application using the standard API and you can connect to the external DB as usual and get the data from it.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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m.rutter - 5/11/2010 8:19:05 AM
RE:Reading data from an external database best practice
Hi Juraj, thank you for your answer.

What I'm looking for is an example on how to create a custom Data Source that works with an external database so I can use it inside Portal Engine.

For a client of mine I already developed a custom web part that uses an ascx control. I would like to replace that control with "pure" kentico web parts to avoid problems when updating my installations. Do you think is it possible?

Thank you for your support.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/12/2010 12:28:37 PM
RE:Reading data from an external database best practice

You can find more about data source web parts in the developer's guide in Using datasource web parts section.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus