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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > reverse proxy caching View modes: 
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mm-net2000 - 6/4/2010 4:51:18 AM
reverse proxy caching

I'd like to know if reverse proxy caching is supported by Kentico.
I've read Kentico's caching documentation and benchmarks.
It seems High Availability is provided by (licence expensive) web server farms
and (also expensive) mssql clusters.

We use lightweight redondant reverse proxy (squid+halinux) to provide
high availablity and high performance to large web sites.

Do Kentico uses and act upon "Last-Modified" and "If-Modified-Since" headers
to provide reverse proxys expiration informations ?
Would it possible to re-use our proxy infrastructure with Kentico ?

Thanks for any informations

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 6/4/2010 5:45:42 AM
RE:reverse proxy caching

Unfortunately we do not have this functionality for content. If require this kind of cache, I would recommend you to use "full page caching."

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik