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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > How to close the site? ( for public only ) View modes: 
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andre.wort-hotmail - 6/1/2010 12:30:17 PM
How to close the site? ( for public only )

I wonder if there is an option in Kentico CMS for the site closed for maintenance or during the period of construction?

If not, it would be interesting to have a feature in the options General Site Manager as follows:

A) - Closing the site for construction
B) - Closing the site for maintenance
C) - Closing the site for other reasons

Each with its own page defined in (example only)

/siteclosed /


Inside the folder /siteclosed/ has the following pages:

construction.aspx (related, the function A)
maintenance.aspx (related, the function B)
closed.aspx (related to C function)

The important thing to have the three functions is that each can then be used in a report of the site, example:

In the categories of the report of the site have the site category ''Site Closed'' and subcategories: ''For construction'', ''For maintenance'' and ''For other reasons''

So if I close the site by the function A in the report now shows that the site was because of maintenance.

Anyway ... just my opinion I would be very useful to have it.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 6/1/2010 1:12:10 PM
RE:How to close the site? ( for public only )

We are planning to implement a similar feature into the next version. I will add the additional suggestions to it.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko