Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Display to roles has no effect on Global Administrator View modes: 
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benito@liquidvision.com - 6/29/2010 9:39:01 PM
Display to roles has no effect on Global Administrator
Hi support,

I have a webpart that I don't want to show for specific roles including the Global Administrator by specifying the 'Display to roles' property. It doesn't work with Global administrator even it's not specified. Is this a bug or just no effect with Global administrator?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/30/2010 3:30:21 AM
RE:Display to roles has no effect on Global Administrator

for Global administrator, there are no permissions applied. Therefore this user account is global administrator, a special account with permissions for everything - like super user.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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benito@liquidvision.com - 6/30/2010 5:21:10 PM
RE:Display to roles has no effect on Global Administrator
Thanks for your reply! I found this link in the Bugtracker section of your site: http://devnet.kentico.com/Bugtracker/Version-5-x.aspx?page=5

...that identifies it as a bug. Is there any hotfix for version 5.0. At this time, we are not yet considering an upgrade to 5.5.

Your help is very much appreciated.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/1/2010 2:46:16 AM
RE:Display to roles has no effect on Global Administrator

That setting was not working in web part ZONES, in web parts it is working fine. Moreover, that bug was fixed in 5.5 version and hotfixes are released for currently published version only.

Could you please describe the issue with more details and steps how to reproduce it? Thank you.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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benito@liquidvision.com - 7/1/2010 5:40:43 PM
RE:Display to roles has no effect on Global Administrator
Hi Juraj,

I'm setting that property in the 'Static HTML' webpart which is inside a webpart zone in the masterpage. I'm still on version 5.0. We'll be upgrading to 5.5 soon but not just yet. I just want to get this working for that specific webpart.

To describe it in more details:
1. I have a master page that is is divided into 3 sections: header, body, and footer.
2. In the header section, I got a Login webpart, a Current user webpart, and just below it a Static HTML webpart that has simple hyperlink in it.
3. That Static HTML webpart should only show for certain roles excluding Global administrator. For other roles it's working perfectly fine. I think this is simply enough to reproduce as I can't give you the access to the site to test the Global administrator login.
4. Again, this is the version of the CMS to be more specific: v5.0.3677


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/7/2010 8:48:19 AM
RE:Display to roles has no effect on Global Administrator

I have tried this on a fresh installation of 5.0 version, without any hotfix and it is working just fine for me. Isn't it possible that you are logged in as administrator in different tab into the CMS Desk?

As mentioned before, the bug was in web part zones only, not in web parts.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus