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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > How can I collect additional user data in the Kentico user accounts? View modes: 
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JohnSD - 7/28/2010 4:02:12 PM
How can I collect additional user data in the Kentico user accounts?
I’m moving my company’s old forum over to the new site created with Kentico. That requires me to create user accounts within Kentico for the existing forum users. However, there are some fields from the old user accounts that aren’t available in the new Kentico site, like:

• Department
• Title
• Address
• City
• State
• Zip
• Phone
• Website

Does anyone know how I can utilize the user accounts to collect and store this data for the users in the new Kentico site?

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DahlinDev - 7/29/2010 2:43:29 AM
RE:How can I collect additional user data in the Kentico user accounts?
You can add custom fields to the User Account. Depending on how you plan to use them you need to update either the User or User - Settings System Table.

Do this by logging into the CMSSiteManager > Development > System tables.

Edit the table you want to add the fields to and add your new attributes.

Now you can update the user by going to CMSDesk or CMSSiteManager > Administration > Users.

Edit the User and go to the Custom fields tab.