Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > SmartSearch Result View modes: 
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olegtroff-gmail - 9/5/2010 12:57:26 PM
SmartSearch Result
Hello! I am can't to configure Smart Search.
Search result always: "No results were found."
Please, help me. I'm create Search Index, but it did not help. what am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

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kentico_michal - 9/10/2010 4:50:16 AM
RE:SmartSearch Result

Could you please make sure that smart search indexing is enabled (Site Manager ->Settings -> Enable smart search indexing)?

Could you please confirm that you followed steps described in Developers guide.

Please make sure that appropriate cultures are included in search index (Site Manager -> Administration -> Smart search -> select index -> Cultures tab).

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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olegtroff-gmail - 9/10/2010 9:59:31 AM
RE:SmartSearch Result
Thank you for you answer!
The problem was that the default Analyzer type: Standart.
Is written in Developers guide
"Standard - grammar-based analyzer (stop-words, shortcuts, ...), very efficient for English, but may not produce satisfactory results with other languages"
My site used a culture of ru-ru, when I changed to Simple, search started to work