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Michel-SoftSynergy - 10/5/2010 1:40:50 PM
Document Type with multiple images properties

I just started with Kentico and I'm trying to create a new document type named portfolio. This document type has a title and a description property. Besides these two general properties I would like to be able to add zero or more images to the document.

If I understood it right, I need to add a property of the type file. But how can I make it possible to add more then 1 images to i document type?

Hopefully you could answer my question.


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gavin.eggheaddesign - 10/6/2010 2:55:55 AM
RE:Document Type with multiple images properties
HI Michel

Have you looked at the 'Fields' tab of your new document type? it is located within the site manager > development > document types > 'document name' > fields.

From here you can add more fields and set there properties such as uploading files etc. These can then be filled in under the 'Form' tab when a user creates chosen document type within the CMSDesk.

Hope this helps


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Michel-SoftSynergy - 10/12/2010 2:15:34 AM
RE:Document Type with multiple images properties

sorry for the late response. Found it... didn't look at the right place :)
tnx for your help!