Currently, we don´t have such a web part, but you can develop it yourself as custom web part (
Example of code you need for e-mail sending is this:
CMS.EmailEngine.EmailMessage em = new CMS.EmailEngine.EmailMessage();
em.EmailFormat = CMS.EmailEngine.EmailFormatEnum.Html;
em.From = "from@mail.com";
em.Recipients = "to@mail.com";
em.Subject = "Subject";
em.Body = "body of email";
CMS.EmailEngine.EmailSender.SendEmail("site_name", em);
Please make sure you have SMTP server specified in site settings for e-mails being sent properly.
There are two basic variations of
SendEmail method:
CMS.EmailEngine.EmailSender.SendEmail("site_name", em);
//you can use CMS.CMSHelper.CMSContext.CurrentSiteName for site name
The first one sends e-mail using global settings, while the second one sends e-mail using settings for specified site.
Best Regards,
Radek Macalik